Datos personales


jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011


Men of honor

1. Mention why it was difficult for Carl Brashear to join the navy.
Because he was a colored man  so he and the other colored men were discriminated 

2. Describe the conditions in which he used to live.
He was poor and he and his family had to work in the field.

3. How can you describe Carl Brashear's father ?
He was a wise man, because he though Carl to appreciate the perseverance.

4. How did he solve his problem with low grades?
He ask for help to Jo 

5. Why did the master chief Billy dislike Cockie
because he was a colored man and because he become an excelent student at the navy.

martes, 29 de marzo de 2011

My first time

What was it?
The first time I touch a piano
How old were you?
I was 9 years old 
What were you and other people doing at the time?
We were at  the house of my aunt watching the T.V.
What happened?
I just feel interested in it and i started touching all keys of it.
How did you feel?
It was really exciting because since i was 6 years i found the piano attractive and it was a really good experience.

miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011


1. How would you define videogames?
It is like a movie, but the difference is that you control what happen there.
2. How have video games changed throughout history?
They used to be simple but now you can have the videogames in computer or in t.v.
3. What negative effects can we observe when people play video games?
That they are playing in a world that doesn´t exist and doing the things that were only in their imagination.
4. In your opinion, what causes people play video games?
That they can control a totally different world and that they can do things that wouldn´t be done by them in the real world
5. Why do some people  say that playing video games is addictive?
Because once they play the videogame they want to play and play again making the "addictive" to the game
6. What is your experience with video games?
i really don´t like the videogames because i think that it is a waste of time to sit in the sofa playing i a world that doesn´t exist
7. would the world be better with or without video games?
I think that the video games should exist but not the ones that are violent and make you do stupid things.
8. What did the speakers say about video games?
how have it change, how are the video games made and how the video games became the favorite thing of the people.
9. In you opinion is it good or bad to play video games?
It is good if you don´t become addictive.
10. How are children affected?
The children are affected because sometimes they play the videogames that aren´t for their age; and they see thing too violent for them in the most of the cases.

miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011

Special Day File

Mention an exciting or unusual day in your life
A= When I went for the first time to the town where my grandfather born. 

Why is this special day relevant for you?
A=because that is the very first time that i travel with all family

What did you learn through this experience?
A=That the family is the most important thing in the world.

Write an e-mail to a friend describing your experience

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011


Mention 5 characters and their roles?
Lancelot: he is one of the knights.
Arthur: he is like the lider of the knights, the principal characters.
Alecto: is the son of the family that the knights have to take care.
Bors: one of the knights, he has family.
Bishop: He say to the knights their final mission before they are free.

Mention 3 scenes you like and why.
1. the second one, because of the battle i saw.
2. the scene where the knights think they are going to be free.
3. the scene where lancelot has to become a knight, it is a sad but sweet scene.

What is the conflict in the movie?
That the knights want to be free and they cant not before they complete a mission that but in danger their lifes.

Why did Arthur and the knights accept their mission?
because they want their freedom.

Why did the farmers believe that Alecto was god`s messenger?
because that`s what he say and they cannot say another thing because if not they will be punished.

Why did the sax wants the family?
because the family is powerful.

Who of the knights die first and why?
Dagonet because of and arrow that the saxs throw to him.

What happened in the conversation betwee the father and son after the first encounter?
The dad told the son that he wasn`t in charge anymore

What was arthur position in the final battle?
He was decided to fight "for rome"

miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2011


Teenage talk
What do you usually do on weekends?
A=watch T.V all day long, and sometimes I go shopping.
How often do you  go to the movies?
A=like once a month.
What are you reading right now?
A=a book that the school give every month.
What are your favorite subjects at school?
A=computer science and history.
What do you and your friends talk about?
A=about experiences that we have had or about funny things.
Do you have boyfriend?
A=no i found it boring.
What are you wearing today?
A=the school uniform.
How are you feeling?
A=a little bit tired, i want to sleep.
What are you looking forward to?
A=go to the movies with my friends.
What do you care about?
A= the environment, i dont think the people know what they are doing to the planet.
What do you worry about?
A=about my grades, i dont like to have bad grades.
What´s your ambition?
A=to study in London, and to travel around the world with my entire family.